The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

During my years at Penn State, I hoped to attend graduate school and become a psychiatrist focusing in adolescence. Plans changed several times during the following years. I ended up moving to California and getting my Masters in Business Administration. I then moved back to the east coast and settled in Chesapeake, Virginia. I became a CPA and have been working in banking focusing in financial reporting and taxation. Anyone who knows anything about me knows that the two things I cherish most in the world are Penn State and my children: Chelsea (19) and Branden (10) and a grandson, Cayden, who will be a year old December 30th. Chelsea is attending a community college in Virginia for her first two years and intends to transfer to Penn State in fall 2011. Branden has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and also plans to attend Penn State. State College will always be my home and the kids and I go back as often as possible. Our favorite week each year is to spend the last week of the summer camping with the family at the Centre County Grange Fair and then end the week at the Nittany Lion season opener. Penn State is now and forever will be dear to my heart... WE ARE...PENN STATE!!!!